KIIT NSS Electronics Organizes Awareness Program on Omicron with Food & Mask Distribution


KIIT NSS Bureau, School of Electronics Engineering organized a food and mask distribution program to spread awareness on Omicron variant of Coronavirus at Tangibanta village on 8th January 2022. The volunteers were led by Prof. Sruti S. Singh, NSS Program Officer.

Even as the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has started in the country, there are a lot of people out there who neither have a roof over their head nor food to feed their stomach. They are struggling day and night to survive in these tough times. Volunteers of KIIT NSS Electronics: Project Lakshya distributed more than 70 packets of food and more than 100 masks to the people in the village.

The volunteers of the KIIT NSS Electronics: Project Lakshya have extended their gratitude to the Dr. Achutya Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS; Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Vice Chancellor; Prof. Kajal Parashar, Program Coordinator – NSS, KIIT-DU; and the KIIT NSS Electronics Program Officers for their constant support and guidance.

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