KISS-DU Inks MOU with Jagannath University, Dhaka


KISS Deemed to be University (KISS-DU) signed an MOU with Jagannath University (JU), Dhaka on 8th March, 2022. Jagannath University is a premier university in Bangladesh with close to 20000 students, 600 faculty members and 36 specialisations. The signing ceremony took place online and was attended by senior members of KISS-DU and JU leadership. The brief ceremony featured observations by the respective Vice-Chancellors and Registrars, introducing their institutions and exploring prospects of future collaborations.

Professor Md. Imdadul Hoque, Vice-Chancellor, Jagannath University expressed his delight at the conclusion of the agreement. He welcomed the prospects of joint seminars, conferences and academic collaborations with KISS-DU. Professor Hoque expressed his gratitude to Professor Dr. Zehadul Karim for coordinating the MoU Signing Ceremony on behalf of Jagannath University. In his address, Professor Deepak Kumar Behera, Vice-Chancellor, KISS-DU described the occasion as a beginning of a new journey. He emphasized the need to operationalize the agreement at the earliest. While sharing the brief profile of KISS and KISS-DU, he said that the institution offers free boarding, lodging and education to students from the indigenous communities, from the primary school to the university level. Professor Behera also referred to the several MOUs recently concluded with international institutions such as UNDP and FIFA, along with some European Universities, underlining the international footprint of the institution.  

Dr. Prashanta Kumar Routray, Registrar, KISS-DU recalled an earlier MoU signed by Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS with Daffodil International University in Bangladesh, while describing the current MoU as an extension of that spirit of cooperation. He concluded by talking about the prospects of institutional collaboration in the areas of research, jointly organizing academic activities and facilitating faculty and student exchange programs between the two universities.

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