Monday Morning Talk: Prof. Srimoy Patra speaks on Emerging Media


Keeping its tradition of giving exposure to students to industry and academia, expert discourse on relevant topics, School of Mass Communication, KIIT Deemed to be University conducted a Monday Morning Talk on Emerging Media on 22nd of July.

Addressing the students during the first Monday Morning Talk of this academic session, Prof. Srimoy Patra, a communication expert and Dean, Affinity Business School discussed about the future possibilities in media sector.

In this informative session, Prof. Patra stressed that virtual reality is an emerging media which will carve the future of the journalism. The evolving technologies and the updated approach in publishing news content has become a part of the emerging media, he added.

Prof. Patra reiterated that emerging media is the evolution of utilizing technology to share information in new and innovative ways.

“Roles are overlapping today, you are a producer and you are a consumer.” said Prof. Patra adding that the modern audience is now a ‘prosumer’ due to their presence in Social Media. He also discussed on concepts like “Duality of Presence”, ” Personalisation of News”, and Mobile Journalism.

Prof. Srimoy Patra, specializes in communication, new media, soft skills and personality development etc. He holds Master Degree from Utkal University, M. Phil from Jawaharlal Nehru University and PhD from Columbia University. He has more than 25 years of experience in the industry including 20 years in teaching and training.

At the outset, Ms. Sandhya Agrawal, introduced the guest and Ms. Nitali Johori, proposed the Vote of Thanks to Prof. Patra.

Faculty Members – Dr. B. B. Dash, Assistant Professor and Course Coordinator, Ms. Ruby Nanda, Assistant Professor; Mr. Sudarsan Sahoo, Faculty Associate and Mr. Souptik Garai, Faculty Associate were present during the talk.

In fact, Monday Morning Talk is the flagship programme of School of Mass communication, where eminent personalities from industry and academia are invited  to deliver talks.

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