KISS Observes International Literacy Day


“Literacy is a road to human progress and a means through which every man, woman and child can realize his/her full potential. It brings them into a lifelong community of learning that links people across borders”

Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) Deemed to be University observed International Literacy Day on 8th September 2020. The event assumed special significance considering global disruption to the education system due to Covid-19 related closures, leaving nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 190 countries needing to experiment with new ways of learning that go beyond desks and books.

Literacy missions across the world have suffered setbacks in continuing education and literacy efforts for millions of children in poorer countries during this pandemic, which has undoubtedly exacerbated pre-existing education disparities by reducing the opportunities for many of the most vulnerable children, youth, and adults. These inequalities were often further aggravated, by a lack of access to technological facilities making it impossible for them to access education remotely, resulting in more discrimination for communities already marginalized, thus depriving them of the fundamental human right to education.

On the occasion, KISS conducted a social media campaign inviting video or picture submissions on the theme #whyliteracymatters. Submissions from hundreds of participants from KIIT, KISS and supporters of both institutions were overwhelmingly positive and served the purpose of raising meaningful buzz and awareness on the critical importance of literacy as a stepping stone to education and empowerment for communities.

The campaign also highlighted the efforts of KISS in ensuring that learning never stops for its students, regardless of the circumstances. Ensuring that learning continued for KISSians meant turning towards more unconventional technologies for learning – embracing Whatsapp, radio and television to conduct classes, or making the long trips to deliver school books across the State. Alongside the students, staff members of KISS have also worked round the clock to learn these new technologies.

KISS also delivered rations, books and school supplies to the households of every individual student across the State. KISS has also harnessed the power of its youth leaders and volunteers through Mission UDAY initiative with UNFPA to travel to every district and village raising awareness about Covid prevention and sanitation measures while distributing masks and medical supplies. 

Sharing his thoughts on the occasion, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder – KIIT & KISS, said that “Education is the third eye of a child. God has gifted two eyes to see and experience this beautiful world. But education opens the third eye to learn, know and grasp the world in a true sense.” He reiterated the importance of education and his firm belief that no child should be deprived of quality education due to poverty. He also thanked all who participated in making this campaign both impactful and successful.

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