KISS-DU Receives Diamond Band for Mental Health and Wellbeing Rankings by R World Institutional Ranking


The Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) Deemed to be University has been honored with the prestigious Diamond Band in the Mental Health and Wellbeing (MHW) Rankings by the R World Institutional Ranking. This accolade highlights KISS-DU’s unwavering commitment to fostering a supportive and nurturing environment for its students, faculty and staff.

The primary objective of the MHW Rankings is to identify and celebrate the Best Campuses in India for Mental Health and Wellbeing. This recognition is a reflection of KISS-DU’s efforts to create safe spaces where individuals can thrive academically and personally without any fear or stigma. The key highlights include mentor-mentee system; campus life; measures for mental health and wellbeing; institutional values and distinctiveness.

The R World Institutional Ranking is renowned for its rigorous evaluation process and commitment to objectivity. The Management and the Senior Functionaries have congratulated all the stakeholders and expressed their best wishes in the future endeavors of KISS-DU.

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