KISS-DU Organizes Invited Lecture on ‘Conserving Nature: Compulsion as Choice’


An Invited Lecture on “Conserving Nature: Compulsion as Choice” was jointly organised by School of Tribal Resource Management and Centre for Indigenous Innovation and Entrepreneurship, KISS-DU on 28th July 2022 on the occasion of World Nature Conservation Day. Dr. Rabi Narayan Patra, Professor, Council of Analytical Studies (COATS), Koraput delivered the lecture, which provided insights on the theme ‘Cut down of plastics use’. It was attended by students, research scholars, faculty members and senior functionaries of KISS-DU. The Wall Magazine of Economics Programme, School of Tribal Resource Management was also unveiled on the occasion.

In his lecture, Dr. Rabi Narayana Patra explained about the need for preserving a healthy environment and natural resources so as to maintain a stable and healthy society. Saving plants and animals that face the threat of extinction is one of the primary goals of the World Nature Conservation Day, he stated. Dr. Patra also said that the celebrations emphasize keeping the various components of nature such as flora, fauna, energy resources, soil, water, and air intact. Elaborating on the difference between conservation and protection, he stated various ways to conserve and stressed on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Further, Dr. Patra pledged, “If the greatest threat to nature is the notion that someone else will conserve nature-I shall be that person.”

Speaking on the occasion, Professor Deepak Kumar Behera, Vice-Chancellor, KISS-DU focused on the importance of conservation of nature. Professor Jagannath Lenka, Professor Emeritus, KISS-DU emphasized the importance of protection of the environment for future generations. Dr. Snigdharani Panda, Chairperson, Council of Deans, KISS-DU proposed a word of thanks to the members present. The event was coordinated by Dr. Sanjeeta Kumari Devi, HoD, Economics, KISS-DU.

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