KISS-DU Observes World Population Day


The School of Tribal Resource Management, KISS-DU observed World Population Day on 11th July 2022. Professor Kailash Chandra Das, Professor and Head of the Department Migration and Urban Studies, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) Mumbai spoke on ‘Odisha of 48 Million Population: Demographic Opportunities and Challenges’. Faculty members from the School of Tribal Resource Management Professor Emeritus, Students and Research Scholars attended the webinar.

Professor Deepak Kumar Behera, Vice Chancellor of KISS Deemed to be University, in his presidential address, highlighted the importance of observing World Population Day. He also thanked the team of School of Tribal Resource Management for organizing a webinar on such a relevant topic.

The invited speaker Professor Das shared his concerns about the surge in population of the state of Odisha. He spoke about the impact of population explosion across the globe as well as in India in general and tribal population in particular and its adverse effects on the economy and productivity. Dr. Gopal Krishna Panda, Professor Emeritus delivered the introductory remarks and Ms. Saurava Goswamy set the tone of the event and introduced the invited guest.

The webinar started off with a Signature Campaign and slogans, which were initiated by the students of School of Tribal Resource Management. Over 3000 signatures were collected from the distinguished speaker, invited guests, students and staff of KISS-DU. On this commemorative day of the United Nations with the slogan “Towards a resilient future for all – Harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all”, this programme was organized in hybrid mode which enlightened the participants about the effects of unprecedented growth of the population.

The webinar ended with a stimulating question and answer session and a vote of thanks to all the delegates by Dr. Arpana Premi Lina Oraon, Associate Professor, KISS-DU.

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