KISS-DU Observes National Education Day


The Department of Education, School of Tribal Heritage and Tribal Indology (STHTI), KISS-DU, in collaboration with the AURORA Centre and NEP SAARTHIs, observed ‘National Education Day’ on 11th November 2024 by organizing various activities and competitions for students and scholars. This year’s theme was “Inclusive and High-Quality Education”.

Dr. Sujata Acharya, Associate Professor and Dean of STHTI, spoke on the significance of ‘National Education Day,’ which is celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first Education Minister of Independent India, in recognition of his tremendous contributions to the field of education.

The Chief Speaker, Prof. Bijayananda Singh, Chair Professor, Gopabandhu Das Research Chair, KISS-DU highlighted the importance of language in our day-to-day life as the medium of communication. He mentioned the philosophy of Gautam Buddha and ‘Art of Giving’ of Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS, highlighting the importance of education in present days for creating a healthy society. He focused on the contribution of Gopabandhu Das in the field of education and Satyabadi Bana Vidyalaya education system particularly in Odisha. He also shared that Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das had suggested a National Education System in India for 100 years. He spoke on the role of NEP-2020 and how NEP SAARTHIs can play a seminal role in shaping the future of new India.

Research Scholar Shyamlal Marandi highlighted the significance of education for the upliftment of tribal society. Enkateswar and Naha Soren, PG students also shared their views on the importance of celebrating this day. The postgraduate students also presented posters on the occasion. Ms. Diptisree Das, Faculty in Education proposed the Vote of Thanks and Ms. Saswati Jena, HoD, Department of Education concluded the session by summarizing the key points.

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