KISS-DU Observes Constitution Day


Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) Deemed to be University celebrated 72nd Constitution Day on November 26, 2021 in physical mode following the Covid-19 guidelines.

On this occasion, the teaching staff, students, research scholars, officers and other members of the University watched the live telecast of the inauguration of the digital copy of the Constitution of India by Shri Ram Nath Kovind, His Excellency the President of India. The Hon’ble Vice President of India, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Hon’ble Speaker of Lok Sabha and Hon’ble Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, in their address, commemorated the contributions of Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who played a significant role in framing the Draft Constitution of India and its adoption by the Constituent Assembly in 1949. The live telecast was followed by Pledge taking by all the members present in the meeting.

Professor Deepak Kumar Behera, Vice Chancellor, KISS-DU delivered the welcome address and hailed the efforts of the freedom fighters for their sacrifices to build India as an Independent Nation and brought the fact to the gathering about drafting the Constitution of India by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar under the Chairmanship of Dr. Rajendra Prasad. The Vice Chancellor urged one and all to achieve the dreams of Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KISS & KIIT. He requested Professor Jugal Kishore Mishra, Chief Speaker who is a scholarly figure in the field of Political Science and Public Administration, to address the gathering.

Professor Jugal Kishore Mishra, Director (IQAC), KISS-DU shared his views and thoughts and commemorated the pledge of Purna Swaraj, passed in the Lahore session of the Congress in the year 1930.  Professor Mishra highlighted the fundamental rights which were originally provided by the Constitution, i.e., the right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and right to constitutional remedies. He also spoke about the Preamble of the Constitution. Professor Mishra also stated about the Constitution of India and the contributions of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Dr. Rajendra Prasad. He appreciated the efforts of the Vice Chancellor to bring about innovations for the holistic development of education. He also quoted the words of Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KISS & KIIT, “Education is the Third Eye of a Child” and appreciated the noble efforts and sacrifices of Dr. Samanta for the tribal children and his vision to establish a chair in the name of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Iswar Ch. Naik, Dean, School of Tribal Legal Studies and Tribal Rights.

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