KISS-DU Hosts the Seventh Study Visit cum Consortium Meet under AURORA Project


KISS Deemed to be University hosted the Seventh Study Visit cum Consortium Meet under the AURORA Project (Co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union) from 27th to 30th October 2023. The Meet saw representation from six countries – Spain, Romania, Czech Republic, Ireland, Nepal and India – and twelve participating institutions – KISS Deemed to be University; India, BanasthaliVidyapith; India, Anugraha Institute of Social Sciences; India, Savitribai Phule Pune University; India, University of Babes Bolyai; Romania, University of Malaga; Spain, University Cork College; Ireland, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, Tribhuvan University; Nepal, Pokhara University; Nepal, National Law College, Nepal, Edulab; India

The project strives to build the capacity of the staff and students in areas of Inclusive Education, Gender Equality, Democratic Values, Active Citizenship and Combating Radicalism through education. The second day of the event witnessed an international conference on the theme “Transformative Education, Gender Equality, Active Citizenship for Sustainable Development” as a part of dissemination initiative of the AURORA Project, with an overwhelming response from both national and international paper presenters. The students of the KISS-DU AURORA Club displayed posters on the key themes of the project.

The third day featured an immersion study visit programme to help the partner institutions catch a glimpse of the rich cultural heritage of the state of Odisha. The event was organized in a blended-mode and attended by members of the partner institutions, senior functionaries of KISS-DU, members of the AURORA Club, and faculty members of the university.

In an initiative to ensure the sustainability and future course of action of the project, KISS Deemed to be University has introduced Value-Added Courses on the above-mentioned areas; signed MoUs with partners like University of Malaga, Spain and constituted AURORA Centre and AURORA Club. The university has also organized many national and international seminars and conferences; bringing out books and publications for the wide dissemination of the works done under the project. The AURORA Team of KISS-DU had represented the university in all the six Study Visits cum Consortium Meetings hosted by different partner institutions.

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