KISS-DU Hosts Distinguished Invited Lecture Series


KISS Deemed to be University hosted Distinguished Invited Lecture Series on 22nd January 2025. Professor Shelly Meyer, an International Business Professor at Lindenwood University, Missouri, and Professor Timothy Hatten, a Business Professor at Colorado Mesa University jointly spoke on “Community-Driven Success: Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Sustainability” and in a parallel session Professor Andrew Ogram, a Professor of Soil Microbiology, University of Florida discussed the critical interplay between soil microbes and plant health, particularly in the rhizosphere—the dynamic soil region influenced by plant roots.

The first parallel session comprised deliberations from Professor Shelly Meyer and Professor Timothy Hatten. They gave insights on achieving success as Indigenous entrepreneurs and presented a three-step framework for sustainable entrepreneurship, consisting of Process Innovation, Triggering Events, and Implementation. Their deliberations emphasized the importance of community-driven approaches, adaptability, and the effective use of local resources. The speakers encouraged the attendees to explore innovative solutions that cater specifically to Indigenous needs, while balancing cultural preservation with economic development.

The session was jointly organized by the Centre for Indigenous Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) in collaboration with the School of Tribal Resource Management (STRM) and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of KISS-DU. It was highly interactive with faculty members and research scholars engaging in discussions and seeking clarifications during the Q&A Session. Speaking earlier, Dr. Shruti Sudha Mishra, Assistant Professor, STRM, delivered the Welcome Address and anchored the session, Dr. Monalisha Mishra, Assistant Professor, STRM introduced the esteemed speakers and the erudite lecture of the speakers concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Dr. Snigdharani Panda, Chairperson Council of Deans, KISS-DU. The session was also graced by the Dean of the School, Dr. Arpana Premi Lina Oraon.

The second parallel session was a distinguished invited lecture by Professor Andrew Ogram, who, in his Keynote Address, discussed the critical interplay between soil microbes and plant health, particularly in the rhizosphere—the dynamic soil region influenced by plant roots. He elaborated on microbial roles in enhancing nutrient availability, phosphorus cycling, pathogen suppression, and improving water relations in plants. Dr. Ogram emphasized the significance of microbial control and soil fertility for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in food security and environmental sustainability.

The School of Comparative Indic Studies and Tribal Science (SCIST) and the Centre for Indigenous Science and Technology (CIST), KISS-DU had jointly organized the second parallel session. Setting the tone of the session earlier, Dr. Priyoneel Basu, Dean, SCIST and Director Research delivered the Welcome Address and Dr. Vimal Pandey, Associate Professor of Botany introduced the distinguished speaker. The Q/A Session revolved around the use of microbes to address fertilizer dependency and tackle environmental challenges channelized the discussions towards sustainable agricultural development. The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Sagarika Nayak, Assistant Professor, Botany, SCIST, KISS-DU.

Both the parallel sessions of the Distinguished Invited Lecture Series were insightful and presented myriad perspectives on the topics. The esteemed guests appreciated the vision of Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KISS, KIIT & KIMS and added that the works of KISS is praiseworthy.

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