KISS-DU Flags-off Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship


A Faculty Development Programme on entrepreneurship has been flagged-off at KISS Deemed to be University on 17th March 2021. The two-week programme (15th – 27th March, 2021) is being organized by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmadabad, Eastern Regional Office in association with KISS Deemed to be University, supported by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.

Speaking at the inaugural session, Dr. Subrata Kumar Biswal, Regional Head & Faculty, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India said, “This is the first FDP in India in this academic year since the outbreak of the pandemic. DST and EDII have partnered in more than 200 FDPs and have made over 10,000 students a part of the entrepreneurship ecosystem since its inception. They have been working for the downtrodden since 1982. Faculty members have an integral role to play in inculcating the skill sets in the students”.

Dr. Prashanta Kumar Routray, Registrar, KISS-DU, in his keynote address, spoke on the importance of social entrepreneurship and laid emphasis on subjects like Crisis Management and Communication Skills. He threw light on how EDII and DST are working for the downtrodden for the last 37 years which is also the basic idea behind the establishment of KISS.

The content of the FDP revolves around Entrepreneurship Development Process & Model, Skills & Behavioural Training, Resource Building, Knowledge-based Information Inputs, Business Opportunity Identification, Business Profile Preparation and Small Business Management. There are many examples that show that entrepreneurship can be taught like any other discipline. Premier management institutes offer full-fledged courses on entrepreneurship and many students have ventured into the field. This trend has to be taken further, the speakers stated.

The Government of India, through its newly established Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), focuses on developing entrepreneurial skills among the youth through entrepreneurship education and training. The Ministry has also been trying to deliver world-class Learning and Management Systems (LMS) to equip potential as well as early-stage entrepreneurs. To this end, the Government has launched pan-India programmes like Start-up India, Stand-up India, Make-in India, Digital-India, etc. In this regard, the most crucial change agents are the faculty members teaching entrepreneurship, they opined.

The target group of this programme are faculty members from universities, Science and Engineering colleges, Polytechnics, professionals involved in NGOs and Entrepreneurship Development Institutions, like MVIRDC World Trade Centre, Central Tool Rooms and Training Centre, EDII ERO, Ananya Development Foundation, KIIT and KISS. The resource persons made use of lecture-cum-discussion, case studies, role-plays and simulation exercises in facilitating this training programme.

The introductory speech was delivered by Dr. Disha Bhatt, Faculty in English, KISS-DU. Dr. Sujata Acharya, Director Academics, KISS-DU proposed the vote of thanks at the inaugural session. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Snigdharani Panda, Associate Dean, KISS-DU and Dr. Subrata Kumar Biswal, Regional Head, EDII. 

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