Faculty Improvement Programme Comes to an End at KISS-DU


The week-long Faculty Improvement Programme concluded at KISS Deemed to be University on 17th November 2021. On the concluding day, Dr. Prashanta Kumar Routray, Registrar, KISS-DU spoke on “Professional Ethics and Organizational Behaviour” to the KISS faculty. He presented a brief history of KISS Foundation and its evolution into a mammoth charitable educational institution at successive stages from the primary level to the tertiary level. He apprised the participants of the vision and mission of KISS, its tie-ups with various international bodies like UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA, and the US Federal Government running projects relating to the education and sustainable development of the children from tribal communities.

He mentioned about a number of MoUs that KISS has signed with different national and international universities and academic bodies in India and abroad, and also about the innovative multi-disciplinary courses that KISS-DU has offered in its schools. He emphasized familiarity of all members of the teaching faculty with the larger policies and programmes of KISS as a vital element of their professional behavior and organizational ethics. In his talk, Dr. Routray enumerated the components of ethical behavior such as responsibility, honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, fairness, kindness, respectfulness, lawfulness, pursuit of excellence and leadership qualities.

The other highlights of the closing ceremony were felicitation of four school girls of KISS who had won first prize in the school-level competition on science projects. These children were felicitated by Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera, Vice-Chancellor, KISS-DU for their remarkable achievements. At the end of the session, a valedictory ceremony was held, and Professor Behera distributed e-certificates of participation to all the members of faculty. Prof. Ashok K. Mohapatra, Chairman, HRDC, made a closing remark, and Dr. Chittranjan Bhoi, Director, HRDC, proposed a vote of thanks.

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