During Lockdown, Ghana Jani, turns an angel for the children of his village


All angels do not have wings. Some are deeply rooted to earth. Ghana Jani, a P.G student (Department of English), KISS Deemed to be University is one of them, imparting education free of cost at grassroots, in the midst of the prevailing CoronaVirus pandemic.

Ghana had gone to his village Kapsiput in Laxmipur block of Koraput district due to the lockdown. He helped his father in farming. But observing the plight of children around, he decided to turn an amateur tutor for the children of his tribal village. As such, the Covid menace has taken a heavy toll on the studies of these rural students, who are even deprived of online classes due to lack of electricity and poor mobile connectivity. So converting the house into a makeshift tuition centre, Ghana has been teaching more than 25 children every day. Besides, roping in children and going through their courses at studies, he has to organize sanitizers and masks, and also ensure social distancing.

Ghana draws his inspiration from Dr. Achyuta Samanta, the Founder of KIIT and KISS Deemed to be Universities. “Samanta Sir has always exhorted us to be good human beings and do something good to the society we live in” says Ghana. “So this is my humble way of giving back something to the society,” adds the tribal young man.    

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