Theories of Nursing Management


Nursing Management theories addresses how managers and supervisors relate to their organizations and apply the knowledge to achieve its goals. During the processes of implementation effective means to get the goals accomplished and to motivate employees to perform to the highest standard.

One day seminar on the topic: “Theories of Nursing Management”was organized by Faculties of KINS on 29th January 2020 at LT-3 KIMS.
The programme was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by Prof. (Mrs.) Amarita Lenka, Principal, CON, KINS, KIIT Deemed to be University, senior faculty members of KINS, Mrs Kabita Baral, ANS and supervisor of PBMH,KIMS were also present in the inauguration session.

Mrs. Rashmi Ranjita Parhi, Tutor delivered the welcome address to the audience and presented a brief overview on “Theories of Nursing Management”.
Mrs.Sailabala Sahoo, Tutor delivered her talk regarding scientific theory and classical theory.Shehighlighted that scientific theory Believed in selecting, training, teaching and developing workers along with used time study, standards planning, exception rule of management, reduced number of movement in bricklaying, resulting in increased output of 200% and concerned with improving the performance of individual efficiency.
Ms. Purnima Sahoo, Asst.Prof. Discussed on Motivational and Modern theory.

She emphasized on how the motivational theory is making an effort to keep nurses motivated and engaged them with positions that fit their talent which will help to encourage employees to be productive and effective and it can improve your overall success as a healthcare provider. Modern theory is concerned with applying quantitative management tools focusing on decision making, economic effectiveness, mathematical models and the use of computer.
Mrs. Soumya Sonalika, Asst.Prof. Discussed on Human relation and Leadership theory. She emphasized on the human relation in nursing achieve a goal, there is a need for human relations. Necessary for providing effective health care to people and effective leadership are very imporatant.values, skills and all these matter in projection a positive image.

The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms. Tulasi Hansadah, Tutor, and KINS.

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