New Innovation on “toilet bed”


Innovation is to put new ideas into practice or renovating existing ideas into practice. Every nurse is an agent for change and an innovator. In this way one of our GNM 2nd year student Miss. Sumitra Rout, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University innovated a special “TOILET BED” for those chronic bed ridden patient with very limited mobility. It allows for raising and lowering of the bed, in addition to adjustment of bed itself. She has prepared the model in her house & this innovation has been captured and telecasted by different media channels such as Kalinga TV, Metro TV, Kanak TV. For this innovation, Prof. (Mrs) Amarita Lenka, Principal, College of Nursing, Vice-Principal Prof. Niyati Das, Prof. Pramoda K Nayak, Principal, School of Nursing and Faculties of college of Nursing felicitated to Ms.Sumitra Rout with Bouquet and Momento in the college premises. This Innovation will motivate and empower other nursing students for new innovation in future. 

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