National Girl Child Day Celebration Mrs Kalyani Rath, Asso Prof deliver talk on Adolescent Health


National Girl Child day is celebrated every year on January 24 across the country. Its objective is to provide maximum support and facilities to the girls of the country in every respect. Apart from this, another objective of National Girl Child Day is to increase awareness about discrimination against girls.

The Government of India has started National Girl Child Day to bring equality in society as a campaign. This campaign aims to make people aware of girls across the country.District Child Protection Unit, Cuttack observed National Girl Child day on 24th January 2020 at Red Cross Bhawan, Collectorate, Cuttack. Around 100 adolescent orphan boys and girls from cuttack participated in the observation. Mrs  Kalyani Rath, Asso Prof, KINS, KIIT(DU)  was invited as a special guest and resource person for the day. Mrs. Rath delivered talk   on “Adolescent Health & Hygiene”. She explained about the importance of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls. She also emphasized about the different physical & physiological changes takes place during the puberty in adolescent. An audio on Suna Pari was released on this occasion. The  programme was very interesting and educative for all adolescents to create awareness about the importance of girl child in society.

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