KINS Organizes Webinar on “Development of Entrepreneurship in Nursing”


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) organized a webinar on “Development of Entrepreneurship in Nursing” in collaboration with Nursing Knowledge Tree & Nursing Next Live, units of CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., on 9th July 2022.

The webinar, the third in the series, started with a keynote address by Prof. (Dr.) Niyati Das, Principal, KINS. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Manju Bala Dash, Professor-cum-HOD (OBG), Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship in nursing education, its process, application of theory in the nursing education and its integration into nursing curriculum. She included different research evidence for nursing entrepreneurs and described the barriers or challenges faced by the nurses to become entrepreneurs.

Dr. Varalakshmi Manchana, Assistant Professor, School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad, in her talk titled “Nurses are Health Entrepreneurs”, explained different motivating factors for entrepreneurship, cost and risks involved. She provided an idea on the health market. The speakers also answered queries from the participants. The webinar was moderated by Prof. Kalyani Rath, Vice Principal, KINS. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Sivasankari V., Asso. Professor.

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