KINS Organizes e-Seminar on ‘Strengthening Quality Palliative Patient Care Services’


As a part of Continuing Nursing Education, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS), KIIT Deemed to be University organized a two-day e-Seminar on 22nd & 23rd February 2021 on “Strengthening Quality Palliative Patient Care Services”.

Welcoming the speakers and participants, Prof. Mrs. Amarita Lenka, Principal, KINS congratulated the organizing team for selecting an apt theme of the e-Seminar. Prof. G. C. Kundu, Director, R&D, KIIT Deemed to be University, in his keynote address, briefly explained the meaning, principles, benefits and challenges in implementing palliative care services in India.

Mrs. Pritilagna Dash, Tutor, KINS elaborated on the concept, scope and principles of Palliative Care. “Palliative Care is essential for the patients with chronic advanced illness. Patient care approach is holistic to meet each aspect of the needs of patients”, she stated. Ms. Goutami Pati, Tutor, KINS took the session on various models and highlighted the eight domains of palliative nursing care extensively.

The seminar was attended by around 150 participants including students (M.Sc. Nursing 2nd year, B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year and GNM 2nd year) and faculties of KINS.

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