KINS NSS Unit Celebrates ‘Poshan Pakhwada’


NSS Wing of Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) celebrated Poshan Pakhwada (Nutrition Fortnight) with a slew of programs from 21st March to 4th April 2022. The programs were conducted by NSS volunteers of KINS under the mentorship of Dr. Niyati Das, Principal, KINS and Dr. Kajal Parashar, NSS Programme Coordinator, KIIT-DU with the guidance of NSS Programme Officers, Ms. Daini Sunita and Ms. Anita Panigrahi at KIMS Paediatrics Department.

The volunteers assessed the health status of 50 children under 6 years in KIMS Paediatrics ward using anthropometric measurement and calculation of BMI. They collected data of each child regarding anaemia, breast feeding, weaning and balanced diet. Some children were found underweight and suffering from anemia. On 4th April, the volunteers conducted a health education program regarding weaning, identification of anaemia, and importance of breastfeeding, positioning and storage of breast milk through using AV aids (poster, flashcards and pamphlets).

It was a pleasant experience for NSS volunteers to interact with mothers and children at KIMS Paediatrics ward.

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