KINS Faculty Attended tot Programme on Simulation at Sgt University, Gurugram.


Simulation has become one of the important technology based education in nursing which provides the students opportunities to practice their clinical skill and decision making skills through various real life situational experiences.

A training of master trainer (TOT) for simulation based education was organized at the National Reference Simulation Centre, SGT University , Gurugram, Haryana from 27.01.2020 to 01.02.2020 in collaboration with INC, Jhpeigo and Laerdal helping saves life.
Mrs. Niharibala Nayak, Tutor, KINS had participated and undergone the above training programme where the following topics were discussed:

  • Use of checklist and practice in OSCE
  • Decision making with case studies
  • Simulation designing
  • Art of debriefing, labeling of emotions
  • Framing of advocacy inquiry questions
  • Q  CPR
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