KINS Celebrates International Day of the Midwife-2021


“The greatest privilege of human life is to become a midwife for awakening the soul in another person.”– Plato

Nurses and midwives play a vital role in providing health services. Midwives are women who possess practical knowledge about helping pregnant women during childbirth. Amidst the raging Covid-19 pandemic, midwives continue to show resilience and provide life-saving services to pregnant women, ensuring healthy outcomes for women and their babies. Every year, 5th May is celebrated as the International Midwife Day to recognize the contribution of midwives. The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) has been celebrating the day since 1992. 

Observing the occasion, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, KIIT-DU, in association with SOMI Odisha Chapter, conducted a webinar on the theme “Follow the data: Invest in midwives” on 5th May, 2021 on zoom platform. The webinar aimed to advocate for investment in quality midwifery care around the world, improving sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health in the process. 

Prof. Mrs. Amarita Lenka, Principal, KINS unfolded the theme of the year, emphasizing that women and midwives can work together to demand a gender-equal world. Mrs. Niharibala Nayak, Tutor, KINS welcomed the speakers, participants, highlighting the role of midwives during childbirth especially, in the present pandemic time.

Ms. Akansha Tripti Horo, M.Sc. Nursing 2nd year, spoke on the topic, “Investing in midwives: Need of the hour”. Speaking on the topic, “Role of midwife in maternal & newborn health”, Ms. Aditi Das, M.Sc. Nursing 1st year, elaborated on the maternal and newborn care and how a midwife can provide quality care to the mothers. Ms. Susmita Dey, M.Sc. Nursing 2nd year, presented on the topic, “Critical role of midwives in Covid-19”. She briefed about the role and responsibilities of the midwife during this pandemic situation.

The last session was taken by Ms. Swagata Sahoo, M.Sc. Nursing 1st year. Her topic was “Life saving skills of midwives”. She explained the factors for MMR and the skills required to make pregnancy safer.  Students from M.Sc. 1st year, 2nd year, B.Sc. 3rd year, G.N.M. 3rd year and faculties of KINS participated at the event. The webinar was moderated by Mrs. Neelam Mishra, M.Sc. Nursing 1st year. On behalf of the organizing team, Ms. Bishnupriya Lenka, M.Sc. Nursing 2nd year extended her gratitude for making the programme successful.

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