Guest Faculty Lecture Series at KINS


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) organized the second lecture under the Guest Faculty Lecture Series on “Systematic Review and Metasynthesis” on 16th August 2021. Dr. Sunita Panda, Research Fellow, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin, University College Cork, Ireland delivered the lecture. On behalf of the KINS fraternity, Prof. Mrs. Amarita Lenka extended her greetings to Dr. Sunita Panda and shed light on the significance of the topic to be discussed.

In her talk, Dr. Sunita Panda elaborated about the method of formulating protocol for systematic review to register in PROSPERO. She emphasized on hierarchy of evidence, study selection and quality appraisal, data extraction and synthesis. She also focused on the importance of quality assessment tools and PRISMA charts for interpreting results. It was an informative and motivational session for the faculty members. At the end, she interacted with the faculty members and answered their queries.

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