FDP-2021 at KINS: ‘Exploring Self – A New Paradigm in Education’


 “The development of the faculty of attention forms the real object and almost the sole interest of studies

Every teacher needs to improve; not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better. However the role of a teacher who imparts knowledge and skills to students is prime and like God. Paradigm provides a conceptual framework for seeing and making sense of the social world. Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) has been emphasizing education, nature of learning, nature of teaching and practicing education to attain its mission of achieving excellence in education. 

This year, the online Faculty Development Programme is underway at KIIT Deemed to be University from 20th to 26th June 2021. As a part, KINS organized a two-day Faculty Development Programme on 21st & 22nd June 2021

The programme was inaugurated by Prof.(Mrs.) Amarita Lenka, Principal, College of Nursing, KINS, who welcomed all the resource persons and participants. She expressed her gratitude to Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS for providing an excellent ambience to work and opportunities to organize faculty development programmes to update the faculties so as to enable them to impart quality education to the students.  She also explained this year’s theme – “Innovative Teaching Strategies and New Learning Paradigms in Nursing Education”. Prof. Lenka motivated all the faculties to support collaborative learning and adapt to the environment during this pandemic situation.        

In the first session on the topic “Reflection on Professional Values in Nursing Practice”, Dr. Deepika C. Khaka, Associate Professor, AIIMS, College of Nursing, New Delhi explored professional values, concept of mentoring and understanding mentoring as a challenging, motivating and inspiring activity. She discussed the need and importance of professionalism in nursing. She also highlighted on ethical issues and responsibilities that guide the Nurses behavior in the clinical practice.

The second session was taken by Dr. Jyoti Sarin, Director Principal, M.M.College of Nursing, MMDU Ambala on the topic “Paradigm Shift in Teaching Learning and Evaluation on Nursing Education”. She explained the framework to identify suitable tools to achieve learning goals by using pedagogical approaches. She also focused between Traditional Model and Flipped Model to understand the dynamics of teaching.

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