8th Annual conference on neonatal nurses: Protect, Support and Save Lives


8th Annual conference of INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF NEONATAL NURSES(IANN) was organised by the INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF NEONATAL NURSES in collaboration with college of Nursing, All India Institute of Medical sciences, Bhubaneswar from 9TH FEB 2020 – 11TH FEB 2020 at AIIMS.

Pre-conference workshop was organized on 9th FEB on various skill  stations NRP: Optimizing the Golden hour, Quality initiatives in neonatology,Practical approach to QI project in NICU, Invasive and Non invasive Respiratory support, Care of Babies Born too soon and too small, Neuro-Developmental supportive care :Healing Environment -Physical and sensory. Plenary sessions on various New-born issues were discussed by the experts from all over India, which was very informative and educative.

Five faculties along with 21 (1st year M.sc Nursing and 2nd year M.sc Nursing) students from KINS, KIIT Deemed to be University had attended the Conference. FIVE faculties from KINS presented their scientific paper in this conference.

Prof. (Mrs.) Niyati Das, Vice principal KINS, Kalyani Rath AssociateProfessor KINS and Miss Purnima sahoo, Assistant Professor  KINS Presented poster on effectiveness of oro-motor stimulation on pre-term babies.

Mrs. Bhaktiswarupa M.SC Tutor KINS, presented Oral scientific paper presentation on Effect of selected position on Physiological parameters of Neonates admitted with Respiratory problem in NICU and awarded  2nd prize in scientific paper presentation .

Ms. Sailabala sahoo Tutor KINS presented poster on effectiveness of STP On Knowledge regarding complementary feeding practice among mothers of children in Paediatric ward PBMH KIMS.

The conference offers a excellent Platform for  enhancing skills of  students and faculties through hands on training and also exhibiting the talent through scientific paper presentation.

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