World Heart Day-2021 Observed at KIMS


Cardiovascular diseases are becoming a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. Coronary Artery Disease has become the most important cause of premature death and disability. Observance of World Heart Day started in the year 2000 to create awareness on heart diseases and stroke. This year World Heart Day was observed at KIMS on 29th September 2021 with the theme “Use Heart to Connect Every Heart”.

Students of KINS participated in a poster competition organized by Cardiology Dept. of KIMS. As many as 20 posters were prepared by the students of different batches of GNM, B.Sc. & M.Sc. Nursing to create public awareness related to prevention of heart diseases. The posters were displayed in the ground floor lobby of KIMS Hospital for public viewing.

The first prize was bagged by Ms. Sonali Subhalaxmi of B.Sc. (N) 1st year; second prize by Ms. Kiranbala Raut of GNM 2nd year and fifth position prize by Ms. Kabita Satpathy of GNM 3rd year. Complimentary gifts were given to all the participants. Prizes were distributed by Maj. Gen. (Prof.) P. K. Pattnaik, VSM, Director-General, School of Medicine, KIMS in the presence of faculty members and students of KIMS, KIDS & KINS.

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