Milk Tooth Removed from Airway in a 7-yr Child at KIMS


Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bhubaneswar performed successful removal of a foreign body from the airway of a 7-year old child. It was blocking almost half of the lungs for which the child was feeling breathing difficulty. The procedure was smoothly completed despite an extremely challenging situation due to COVID-19 pandemic. In the ENT Department of KIMS, majority of the operative procedures require oral or nasal intervention which is considered to be a harbouring area of COVID 19 virus. As such there is a high possibility of aerosol transmission to health care workers.

The child, hailing from Soro, Balasore, presented with shortness of breath and cough after waking up from sleep. Earlier, the patient had visited various nearby institutions but a definitive diagnosis and treatment could not be given. In KIMS, Dr. Khageswar Rout, senior ENT surgeon examined the history and reports of the patient and found that there was a recent loss of milk tooth which was missed. He ordered a computed tomography of the airway which revealed a tooth obstructing the right bronchus. After discussion with the patient attenders, further treatment plan was taken up for emergency rigid bronchoscope with optical forceps. Under all aseptic measures, including personal protection equipment (PPE KIT) for all operation theatre staffs, a rigid bronchoscopy was performed with spontaneous ventilation. Since the visible part was smooth and slippery, the removal of the milk tooth was difficult and challenging for the senior surgeon and his team.

This life saving procedure was made possible by the team work of KIMS doctors from the Departments of ENT and Anesthesia. The leading surgeon was Dr. Khageswar Rout, who was assisted by Dr. Gifty Zacharias, Dr. Rachit and nursing staff. Excellent anaesthetic care was provided by the team consisting of senior anaesthetist, Dr. Amit Pradhan, Dr. Jagdish C. Mishra,  Dr. Amrita and Dr. Aparna Jayaraj. Thanking the doctors and health care personnel of KIMS, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS thanked the team and said, the treatment shows the commitment and social responsibility of KIMS amid COVID 19 pandemic. He wished the child a speedy recovery.

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