KIMS Starts Training Volunteers for Rescue of Road Accident Victims


KIMS has started its mission to train the voluntary organization members active in rescue of trauma victims. On 24th July 2022, members of Jai Jagannath Accidental Help units were trained in First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) skills at KAABEEL Simulation and Skill Up-gradation Center of KIMS. This voluntary organization, established in 2013, has more than 700 members working actively across various districts of Odisha to create awareness on road safety, rescue of trauma or road traffic accident victims and subsequent transportation to near-by hospitals.

The Govt. of Odisha has started an initiative to treat trauma victims free of cost for the first 48 hours in designated hospitals. KIMS Hospital is supplementing it by training the members of Jai Jagannath Accidental Help Unit in a phased manner in sync with the vision of its Founder, Dr. Achyuta Samanta.

The training seeks to bridge the gap between a victim at a mishap site and hospital emergency for a better outcome. Volunteers from diversified professional profiles joined the training with the common goal of “Serving the Society”. Dr. (Prof.) Ram Chandra Das, AVM, Medical Superintendent, KIMS; Dr Ashwini Sharma, Dy. MS along with Mr. Rankanidhi Samal, Chairman; and Mr. Lingaraj Nayak, President of Jai Jagannath Accidental Help Unit addressed the gathering.

Dr Ashok Kumar Badamali, Senior Consultant, Cardiac Anesthesiologist and In-charge of Kaabeel Simulation Center, trained the volunteers in first aid and CPR as Master Simulation Instructor. The volunteers after this hands-on training can perform better rescue of accident victims in terms of safe removal of helmet, stabilization of injured spine, bleeding control, log rolling to spine board, lifting and shifting of the victim to ambulance and high-quality CPR if needed.

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