KIMS specialist invited as faculty at Nepal Pain Society Conference


Pain Specialist Dr. Rajendra Sahoo of the Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) was invited as a faculty at Nepal Pain Society Annual Pain Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal. Dr. Sahoo presented a talk on “Common hip and pelvis musculoskeletal pain problems and ultrasound guided interventions” followed by teaching hands-on ultrasound workshop on Gluteal and Hip Scanning.

In the workshop, Dr. Sahoo covered scanning of Gluteal muscles, Piriformis, Pudendal Nerve Block, Sacroiliac Joint Scanning, Hip Joint and Greater Trochanteric Complex. The workshop was highly appreciated by all the attending delegates as well as pain consultants from Nepal. Dr. Sahoo was among few selected pain physicians from India to get invited for the national conference, which was attended by around 200 delegates from Nepal. Through his useful talk Dr. Sahoo also sensitized the budding residents, who want to pursue Pain Medicine as career.

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