KIMS PG Resident to Join ILBS, New Delhi,for a Fellowship in ‘Interventional Radiology’

Post Graduate Resident (Batch 2018 – 2021) of Department of Radiology, KIMS, Dr. Manoj Kumar G. has qualified for the National Level Competitive Examination to join the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi (ILBS), for a Fellowship in Interventional Radiology. Dr. Manoj’s talent was identified early for grooming a successful career. He had excelled in academics and was awarded the “Best student of the year” in 2020, felicitated by the Principal KIMS and Director General School of Medicine. The myth that only post graduates from the established premier institutions could crack these competitive examinations for super specialization at premier institutes has become a tale of the past. The Faculty and Residents of Department of Radiology, KIMS have been elated and congratulated Dr. Manoj for his coveted accomplishment.