KIMS Organizes Preconference Workshop on Development Supportive Care & Kangaroo Mother Care


The Dept. of Pediatrics, KIMS organized a preconference workshop as a part of 3rd East Zone National and 10th Odisha Neocon-2021 supported by UNICEF and National Neonatology Forum (NNF). The inaugural function  was graced by the Chief Guest, Dr. Meena Som, Health Officer, UNICEF; Brig. Dr. Ambika Prasad Mohanty, Principal, KIMS; Prof. Natabar Swain, HOD, Dept. of Pediatrics; Dr. Ashutosh Mohaptra, Ex-NNF Secretary; Dr. Jagdish Prasad Sahoo, Organizing Secretary, NNF; Dr. Santosh Kumar Panda, I/C KIMS NICU. Dr. Som emphasized better neonatal care to contain neonatal mortality rate to single digit. She congratulated the organizers for their initiative to sensitize young doctors and nursing staff through such workshops.

A premature infant is deprived of an in-utero environment and its basic development inputs. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) environment is typically characterized by painful procedures, excessive light and noise exposure, interrupted and inadequate sleep, and separation from mother which may alter the normal neurodevelopment. Developmental Supportive Care (DSC) protocols are evidence-based interventions that promote newborn brain and neurobehavioral development. It minimizes the stress of the NICU environment, minimizes exposure to noxious and painful stimuli, supports autonomic stability and provides normal motor and sensory inputs to achieve the gold standard of ‘intact survival’ of the preterm fragile and/or critically ill infants.

This was a one-day program consisting of scientific talks and educational workshops conducted over three workstations. The program included assessment and management of pain, protected sleep, daily nursing care activities, and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) aimed at better neonatal care towards intact survival. The sessions were followed by hand-on demonstrations in work stations like pain assessment with PIPP score, KMC positioning and nutrition with milk expression technique.

Around 70 delegates including 60 nursing staff from different SNCUs of Odisha took part in this workshop. The scientific program included various aspects of DSC and KMC. It was the first-of-its-kind workshop ever conducted in the state of Odisha. The workshops were conducted by national speakers, Dr. Suman Rao, MD, DM (Neonatology), Prof and HOD, St John’s Medical College, Bangalore; Dr. C. Ashok, MD, DNB (Neonatology), Assoc Prof, SRM Medical College, Chennai; and internal faculty Dr. Ashutosh Mohapatra; senior pediatrician, Dr. Santosh Kumar Panda, Incharge NICU KIMS; Dr. Subrat Kumar Majhi, Developmental Pediatrician, Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar; and Dr. Deepti Damyanti Pradhan, Asst Prof., KIMS.

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