KIMS Organizes Interdepartmental Academic Seminar


Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) organized an Interdepartmental Academic Seminar on 12th August 2021 in both online and offline mode. All faculty members and postgraduate students attended the seminar which is held every Thursday. Dr. Deepthi R. A., final year postgraduate student from the Department of Psychiatry, KIMS presented an interesting and awareness-raising case titled “Do not Judge a Book by its Cover”.

The session was moderated by Dr. Jaya Prakash Russel Ravan, Professor, Department of Psychiatry. They discussed an interesting case of childhood sexual abuse presenting with depression and deliberate self harm behavior, diagnosed as Severe Depression with emotionally unstable personality traits. She was treated with supportive psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy.

The second presentation was by Dr. Bidisa Sarkar, 3rd year Post Graduate student from the Department of Community Medicine on the topic “Ethical Dilemmas of Euthnasia”. She explained the social, cultural, psychological, religious, medical and legal issues that has to be addressed with regards to the debatable topic of euthanasia.

Each of the presentations was followed by question and answer sessions and discussions among the faculty and post-graduate students. The presentation was followed by a small talk of 5-7minutes by Professor Emeritus Dr. S. C. Dash on “Abhigyata ru pade”. He spoke mainly for the post-graduate students of the institute regarding his past experiences as a Nephrologist. He narrated his stories regarding his patient management in difficult cases during his career.

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