KIMS Medical Education Unit Organizes Seminar on NMC Guidelines


A seminar was organized by the Medical Education Unit (MEU) of Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) on 20th of August 2021 as a preparatory measure for implementing the Electives for the first CBME batch of 150 students as per the National Medical Commission (NMC) specifications. It was attended by Principal, Maj. Gen. Dr. P. K. Patnaik, Vice- Principal, AVM Dr. R. C. Das, all the Medical Education Unit (MEU) members, Heads of Department of all undergraduate teaching departments, Professors, Unit Heads, and faculty members of KIMS.

The programme started with an introductory note by Maj. Gen. Prof. Dr. P. K. Pattnaik, Director General, KIMS on the deliberation of electives. Prof. Dr. Mangala Charan Das, Coordinator, Medical Education Unit, introduced the participants to the NMC guidelines about Electives. He gave a small presentation, which outlined the objective of having electives in medical curriculum, how to formulate electives, how to assess electives and how to prepare each department for electives. This has to be imparted in two blocks of 4 weeks each after completion of 3rd professional part 1 and before beginning of 3rd professional part 2 examinations.  His talk was followed by a presentation from Dr. K. P. Tripathi, Professor in Medicine who gave an example on how to formulate an elective from a clinical department; and an example from pre- and para- clinical department by Dr. Ratikanta Tripathy, Associate Professor in Pharmacology.

There was a brainstorming discussion regarding the electives by Prof Dr. Srikrushna Mahapatra, HOD of Biochemistry; Prof. Dr. S.K. Rath, HOD of Obstetrics and Gynecology; and Prof Dr. S. N. Shamal, HOD of Anatomy. Queries raised by the other professors and faculties were also addressed. Vice Principal, AVM Dr. R. C. Das spoke on the importance and need of formulating electives by each department and urged each department to formulate a few electives at the earliest possible.

Principal, Maj Gen Dr. P. K. Patnaik said that each department has to formulate the desired number of Electives as decided by the MEU and Vice Principal. MEU has to formulate capsules for each elective and to allot students according to merit. He emphasized that students must be sensitized regarding the same and attend it without fail. A timeline must be prepared by MEU to facilitate the students and faculties regarding the electives. He also announced prize money to be given to three students completing the electives with merit and certificates of appreciation for the guides and co-guides.

The meeting ended with vote of thanks by the joint coordinator Prof Dr. Jayanti Mishra, HOD Physiology who also organized the meeting.

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