KIMS Faculty Delivers Talk at Webinar on “Acute Osteomyelitis Diagnostic Algorithm”
In the present era, with the advancement of medical sciences, the Orthopaedic specialty has also emerged with super specialty care. Paediatric Orthopaedic is one such super specialty area of Orthopaedic discipline. This has been evolved to give utmost orthopaedic care to patients of paediatric age group.
To emphasize the paediatric ortho care and to increase its awareness among general orthopaedician, Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) joined hands with Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India (POSI) to conduct several webinars. One such webinar “Osteomyelitis and its Complication” was conducted recently. Dr. Bibhudutta Sahoo, Assistant Professor, Paediatric Orthopaedic, Kalinga Institute of Medical science (KIMS) delivered a talk at the webinar on “Acute Osteomyelitis: Diagnostic Algorithm”.
KIMS Faculty Delivers Talk at Webinar on “Acute Osteomyelitis Diagnostic Algorithm” KIMS Faculty Delivers Talk at Webinar on “Acute Osteomyelitis Diagnostic Algorithm” KIMS Faculty Delivers Talk at Webinar on “Acute Osteomyelitis Diagnostic Algorithm” KIMS Faculty Delivers Talk at Webinar on “Acute Osteomyelitis Diagnostic Algorithm” KIMS Faculty Delivers Talk at Webinar on “Acute Osteomyelitis Diagnostic Algorithm”
Dr. Bibhu was trained in Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore and is practicing only paediatric orthopaedics in Odisha. He is also holding the executive post representing East Zone in Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India (POSI). His talk focused on how early we can identify the bone infection in children so that we can intervene and prevent children from getting into a stage of disability.