KIMS Expert Advises on Early Diagnosis and Treatment


Swelling of lymph nodes in one’s body should not be ignored much. If it accompanies other symptoms like fever, anemia, jaundice, and weakness, etc, then one must consult a specialist doctor immediately, as it might lead to lymphoma. Lymphoma is a blood-related or hematological malignancy (uncontrolled growth of cells), and is an increasingly common form of cancer.

Speaking on the occasion of World Lymphoma Awareness Day (WLAD) today, Assistant Professor Dr Jogamaya Pattnaik of the Department of Medical Oncology, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences said “the diagnosis requires a biopsy and histopathology with a whole body scan and bone marrow tests. Once the diagnosis establishes that the patient is having lymphoma then the treatment is done mostly by chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy.’’ She, however, added that early diagnosis and timely treatment are often rewarding in lymphoma.

WLAD is observed on September 15 every year as the day is meant to create awareness of lymphoma. It is a global initiative hosted by the Lymphoma Coalition in which there are 52 member nations. WLAD was initiated in 2004 to raise public awareness of the disease.

Lymphoma causes issues in the entire lymphatic system in a human being as it is also the germ-fighting network. The broad symptoms could be lymphatic node swelling, never-ending fatigue, night sweats, fever, difficulty in breathing and unexplained weight loss. The entire lymphatic system includes lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland and bone marrow.

On keeping a tab on the disease, Dr Pattnaik, however, added that one has to fight obesity, adopt a good physical exercise regimen, intake healthy food and avoid red meat, salt and sugar.

The theme of this year’s WLAD is “We Can’t-Wait to address the ways the pandemic has affected people living with lymphomas.” The theme will also consider going through some other important topics like delays in receiving medical treatment and follow-up, those who are not coming forward and delaying their diagnosis and ultimately treatment modalities. It also wants to support the caregivers as their mental and psychological well-being is also very crucial.

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