KIMS Doctor Delivers Talk on “Immuno and Chemoprophylaxis: A Road to Zero Leprosy”


Prof. Dr. Hemanta Kumar Kar, HOD, Department of Dermatology, KIMS delivered an eloquent talk on “Immuno and chemoprophylaxis: A road to zero leprosy” organized by the Department of Dermatology, SCB Medical College, Cuttack on 5th August 2021 as a part of pre-platinum jubilee CME on the occasion of platinum jubilee celebration of SCB Medical College. The session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Gatteswar Hota, Dean, and Principal of SCB Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack.

He spoke on his lifelong research work on various aspects of therapy and prophylaxis in leprosy. He shared his experience on the longest run research, i.e. 19 years long Mw vaccination in leprosy project under DBT in which he was an investigator. The talk was highly appreciated by all other eminent speakers, faculty and students. Mankind is indebted for his contribution in the field of leprosy. It’s a proud moment for KIMS as well as KIIT Deemed to be University to have such a renowned faculty.

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