KAABEEL Simulation & Skill Up-gradation CenterInaugurated at KIMS


There is a radical change in the patient matrix admitted to critical care beds from 10% of hospital indoor occupancy to more than 40%. This will rise further in future. To fulfill the demands of changing healthcare sector, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), the medical wing of KIIT Deemed to be University, has come up with project KAABEEL focusing quality education and healthcare in sync with the  vision of Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT, KISS & KIMS.

‘KAABEEL‘, a dedicated simulation and skill up-gradation center for nurses and paramedics, was inaugurated on 27th September 2021 by Director General (DG) KIMS & PBMH, Maj. Gen. Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Patnaik. This is the first state-of-the-art dedicated simulation lab for Paramedics in Odisha.

]Simulation is a generic term that refers to artificial representation of a real-world processes to achieve educational goals through experiential learning. Medical simulation allows the acquisition of clinical skills through deliberate practice rather than an apprentice or internship style of learning. “KAABEEL” simulation and skill up-gradation center bridges that gap by offering students, residents, fellows and clinicians state-of-the-art courses, integrated with technology.

Some of the issues influencing nursing education include the increased acuity level of patients, the nursing faculty and staff shortages, limited clinical sites, and the shifting role of the nurses. Quality and safety of patient care have become a major societal focus driving the increased accountability of nursing faculty and students to provide safe, effective, knowledgeable nurses who can function in a highly complex health care environment. Nurses are expected to demonstrate leadership skills in the coordination of patient care and safety, and even in the role of overseeing inter professional teams that provide multifaceted care. Increasingly, nurses are expected to use their knowledge to transform health care delivery. Simulation provides an environment for the teaching and learning of inter-professional collaboration through scenarios embedded with communication, safety, delegation, critical thinking, re-skilling, up-skilling and other important nursing program outcomes where novice nursing staff can practice in a safe environment.

Skill up-gradation and simulation training of paramedics helps in a better team-dynamics with physicians in actual clinical scenarios delivering quality healthcare service. Initially simulation was limited to the aviation industry where safety matters a lot and zero percent accident is the expected target, which is applicable to the healthcare sector too.  The Participants can learn from basic intravenous cannulation to high fidelity skills like advanced cardiac life support, trauma life support and critical care nursing etc in Kaabeel centre. KIMS will serve as a resource center for simulation based educational methodologies and a regional leader for providing training for under-resourced organizations and affiliates in the state of Odisha.

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