ICMR STS 2022 Approves KIMS Student’s Project


A project titled “A comparative study of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) between the unexplained syncope patients versus the control group” by Mr. Susnato Das, 2nd year MBBS student, has been approved by ICMR-STS 2022 (Ref ID- 2022-02929). Dr. Rashmi Rani Dash, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physiology and Dr Anupam Jena, Assistant Professor, Dept of Cardiology are his guide and co-guide respectively in this study.

HRV is the beat-to-beat variation in cardiac cycle length resulting from autonomic influence on the sinus node of patients in sinus rhythm. In simple terms HRV is the measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat which is controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). People with high heart rate variability are usually less stressed and happier. In general, low heart rate variability is considered a sign of current or future health problems because it shows your body is less resilient and struggles to handle changing situations.

HRV study is a noninvasive measurement of the heart autonomic function.

Syncope or fainting is the sudden and transient loss of consciousness and postural tone with spontaneous recovery, which occurs due to temporary inadequate cerebral blood flow. Unexplained syncope is defined as a loss of consciousness that cannot be explained by clinical history, physical examination (auscultation, carotid sinus massage, blood pressure measurement in supine and upright positions), chest X ray, exercise tolerance test, and neurological examination. Research has shown a large proportion of syncope remained unexplained, even after serial investigations. By evaluating the fluctuations of the autonomic nervous system that play an important role in syncope genesis, heart rate variability (HRV) can be used as a very important tool.

The aim of this study is to investigate the differences in Heart Rate Variability in unexplained syncope and in the group of control subjects.

In this research project, the HRV can be studied in unexplained syncope and the group of control subjects and try to implicate that heart rate variability (HRV) which is a very useful tool for the evaluation of syncope of unknown etiology. Besides, HRV can help in indicating current or future health problems.

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