Experts Discuss Recent Trends In Treating Voice and Swallowing Disorders at KIMS


Department of Otorhinolaryngology or ENT of Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), organized a day-long CME on “Multi-disciplinary approach to voice and swallowing disorders’’ yesterday to enlighten the faculty members and students on the recent advances in the subjects, their management and new approaches to help the patients in having better adaptability and quality of life.

Eminent speakers from all over the country were present to grace this occasion by sharing their knowledge and vast experience. There were several speakers for this programme, who came from outside of Odisha such as Dr. Roshna Rose Paul, Department of ENT, CMC Vellore and Arya CJ Chief Deglutologist Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Kochi, who delivered their valuable knowledge on  interesting topics like physiology of speech, clinical assessment of voice disorder, swallowing therapy in head and neck oncology, feminizing voice surgery, phonosurgery – Indian perspective, carbon dioxide laser in early carcinoma larynx and many more. The faculties also interacted with questions and answers sessions.

The programme started with lighting of the lamp by Pro VC KIIT-DU Dr CBK Mohanty, Principal Dr AP Mohanty, Medical Superintendent Dr RC Das, Dr RR Paul from CMC Vellore, Arya CJ of Amrita institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi and Dr Kabikanta Samantray, HoD Department of ENT KIMS. 

The event, as part of the Silver Jubilee celebration of KIIT-DU_ Soil to Silver _was conducted in hybrid mode as many participants delivered their lectures through the on-line medium. 

Apart from Dr Samantray Professors Dr Khageswar Rout, Dr Rajesh Kumar Padhy and Manas Ranjan Rout of ENT Department along with Associate Professors Dr Pradipt Ranjan Sahoo, Dr Nishikanth Pradhan, Assistant Professor Dr Swatee Dash and senior residents Dr Imran Wasfi Khan and Dr Vaishali Mishra made the event successful.

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