Eminent Pediatric Intensivist Visits Kaabeel Simulation & Skill Upgradation Center, KIMS


Dr. Ebor Jacob James, Professor & Pediatric Intensivist, CMC, Vellore visited Kaabeel Simulation & Skill Up-gradation Center of KIMS on 26th November 2021. He appreciated the vision of Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT, KISS & KIMS and implementation of special infrastructure development by KIMS management for Up-skilling & re-skilling the paramedics for quality healthcare.

His special admiration for the simulation lab was mostly for the optimized resources and theme-based ambience for learning scopes present in Kaabeel Center which is unique in India.

Prof. E. J. James is an eminent intensivist trained in Great Ormond Street Hospital London & West Mead Hospital Australia with an interest in areas of pediatric simulation. During the discussion with Kaabeel Center in-charge Dr. A. K. Badamali & Dr. Sibabrata Patnaik, In-charge, PICU, a consensus plan was made to organize a national level simulation workshop at KIMS in 2022 during the 25th year jubilee celebration of KIIT Deemed to be University.

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