Doctor’s Day 2021 Observed at KIMS


The National Doctor’s Day, which is celebrated every year on 1st July in India commemorating the birth and death anniversary of Bharata Ratna Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, was celebrated in offline and virtual mode at KIMS under the patronage of Founder KIIT & KISS, Dr. Achyuta Samanta and Principal & DG, Dr. P. K. Pattnaik.

This celebration was unique because it was celebrated to unwind the fatigued Doctors who have been fighting with SARS-CoV-2 pandemic for a long time and paid a tribute to the tireless service of the Doctors across the globe.

The stage was managed by Prof. Viyatprajna Acharya of Dept. of Biochemistry. Lighting of the lamp followed Founder’s message for the doctors and address of Principal & DG Prof. Pattnaik and purpose of the programme. The programme was held through Zoom and YouTube live with few offline guests following COVID norms.

The evening began with a Ghazal programme by Md. Abid and a group that mesmerized the audience. Thereafter, the Doctor’s programme unfurled which was a pleomorphic performance showcasing the talents of the Doctors. There were wonderful enactments from different fields from interns, Post-Graduate students and Professors.

The event was electrified with a spiritual invocation from Lady Professors followed by Prof Viyatprajna’s Odissi performance that glorified Mother divine. Dr. Rik’s Sufi song delved the audience to introspect about life and death. Then, there were many performances by different doctors in singing, dancing, playing instruments and even taking on a virtual cycle tour. The event came to an end with Dr. Khageswar’s patriotic song.

At the end, Prof. Pattnaik again emphasized on the purpose of the events and congratulated all doctors and thanked the IT team, logistic support and house-keeping. He remarked, talented people can have expertise in more than one field and that should be honed. He also communicated about the Founder’s promise to conduct the Doctor’s Day next year in a grand manner.

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