Dept. of Respiratory Medicine, KIMS Organizes National CME on ‘Sleep Medicine’


Department of Respiratory Medicine, KIMS organized a National CME on ‘Sleep Medicine’ recently. The CME was organized in hybrid mode and had nearly 150 participants both offline and online. The inauguration ceremony was graced by Prof. C. B. K. Mohanty, Pro-Vice Chancellor, KIMS; Prof. Ambika Prasad Mohanty, Principal, KIMS; Prof. R. C. Das, Medical Superintendent, KIMS Hospital; and Prof. Jyoti Patnaik, President, Odisha Chest Society. Prof. Pratima Singh was the Organizing Secretary of the CME.

Sleep Medicine is an emerging specialty in Pulmonary Medicine. This specialty carries importance in the era of IT professionals, international travel, and industrialization when patients face unexplained fatigue, hypertension, and diabetes at a young age. For every unexplained medical illness, a thorough sleep diary is important; and to diagnose the sleep related illness, the role of polysomnography is indispensable. These entities are usually ignored by the masses and may lead to complications in the future. Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) will soon have a full polysomnography.

The meeting was specifically targeted at Post Graduate learning. The sessions included introduction to polysomnography by Dr. Viswesvaran B., Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad; manual scoring of sleep stages and respiratory events by Dr. Pranav Ish, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi; interpreting a polysomnography report by Dr. Sourin Bhuniya, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar; treatment of sleep disordered breathing by Dr. Debasis Behera, KIMS; and approach to insomnia by Dr. J. P. R. Ravan, KIMS. This was followed by a panel discussion.

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