Dept. of Anatomy, KIMS Gets New Anatomage Instrument


A new Anatomage instrument, made in the USA, was installed in the Department of Anatomy, KIMS. This will not only benefit the undergraduate students, but also the teachers and postgraduates in the clinical workshops. Many teachers were given the opportunity to handle the instrument on both non-clinical and clinical sides. With the instrument, three dimensional pictures can be rotated and many organs’ cross sectional pictures can be visualized. It requires three boards for a large group of students to see the anatomical pictures, which can also be transmitted to the lecture halls during theory classes.

The instrument will enhance the teaching standard and students will get more chances to visualize the organs in three dimensional ways. It will also be useful in clinical teaching and revision of Anatomical knowledge of the post graduate students. The instrument will benefit the learning process immensely and the students will correlate the pictures while dealing with the given specimens and human body.

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