Department of Transfusion Medicine, KIMS Conducts Annual CME


The 1st Annual CME by the Department of Transfusion Medicine, KIMS was inaugurated on 30th April, 2022 in the presence of Maj. Gen. Prof. Dr. P. K. Patnaik, VSM, Director General, School of Medicine, KIMS; AVM Prof. Dr. R. C. Das, Medical Superintendent; Prof. Dr. Shubhransu Patro, Principal (I/c); and Prof. Dr. Sukanta Tripathy, Head of the Department, Transfusion Medicine.

Dr. Smita Mahapatra, SCB MCH, Cuttack; Dr. Somnath Mukherjee, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar; Prof. Dr. A. K. Praharaj, KIMS were the distinguished speakers for the scientific sessions, which covered topics such as “Nucleic acid–amplification technology (NAT)”, “Recent advances in Transfusion Transmitted Infections (TTI)”, “Diagnosis of Syphilis and its significance to Transfusion Medicine”. Dr. N. Brahma, Prof. B. D. Pati, Prof. Urmila Senapati, and Prof. J. P. Mittra chaired the interactive sessions.

The CME also featured a panel discussion on the theme “Donor Notification: How to handle the Boon and the Goon” highlighting the challenges faced by the blood centres regarding donor notification of test results following blood donation. Prof. B. Pati moderated the panel discussion with other well-known experts including Dr. C. R. Prasad (VIMSAR, Burla); Dr. Sabita Palai (MKCG, Berhampur); Dr. Satya Prakash (AIIMS, Bhubaneswar); and Dr. Rachita (IMS & SUM, Bhubaneswar). As many as 113 delegates from various departments and institutes of Odisha participated in the CME and made the event successful with their great enthusiasm and active engagement.

A Workshop on “Chemiluminescence: Principle and Procedure” under the observation of Dr. Ansuman (AIIMS, Bhubaneswar) and Dr. Devi (AMRI, Bhubaneswar) was also conducted on the occasion. Twenty-one junior and senior residents and laboratory technicians of Transfusion Medicine, Pathology and Microbiology from various institutes attended the workshop and showed keen interest in learning the new technology.

Dr. Suman Sudha Routray and Dr. Gopal Krushna Ray, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine, KIMS planned and executed the event. Dr. Aparna Behura, Associate Professor proposed the vote of thanks. The Department expressed gratitude to Prof. Dr. CBK Mohanty, Pro Vice Chancellor, School of Medicine; Maj. Gen. Prof. Dr PK Patnaik; Brig. Prof. Dr AP Mohanty; AVM Prof. Dr. RC Das; Prof. Dr. Shubhransu Patro, Vice-Principal; Mr. Dilip Panda, Director (Administration); and other HODs and Administrative Officers of the institute for their guidance, support and advice.

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