Department of Surgery, KIMS Organizes CME


The Department of Surgery, KIMS organized a CME on “Breast Disease –Update” on 28th May 2022. It was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. A. P. Mohanty, Principal, KIMS and Maj. Gen. Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Patnaik, DG, School of Medicine. Invited Guest Speaker, Prof. Dr. Diptendra Kumar Sarkar, Prof. of Surgery, IPGMER & SSKM Hospital, Kolkata delivered a talk on “Evaluation & Management of Benign Breast Disease and Breast Lump”. Dr. Partha Basu, Dy. Head, IARC, WHO, Lyon, France spoke on “Screening of Breast Cancer”. Dr. Sumohan Chatterjee, Consultant Breast Surgeon, University Hospital of South Manchester, UK, delivered a guest lecture on “What is New in Breast Cancer” on online mode. Dr. Sabyasachi Parida, Consultant Onco-surgeon, KIMS Hospital delivered a talk on “Oncoplastic Technique in Breast Cancer Surgery”. Around 200 faculty members and post-graduate students of KIMS, SCB, and other Medical Colleges of Odisha attended the CME in both offline and online mode.

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