Department of F.M.T., KIMS Organize National CME on “Toxicological Emergencies in Modern Era”


A National CME (online mode) was organized by the Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) on 18th December 2021. The theme of the CME was “Toxicological Emergencies in the Modern Era”. Eminent and distinguished speakers from different regions of the country presented on various topics related to Medical Toxicology.

Brig. Prof. (Dr.) Ambika Prasad Mohanty, Principal, KIMS; Prof. (Dr.) Shubhransu Patro, Vice-Principal, KIMS; and AVC Prof. (Dr.) Rama Chandra Das, Medical Superintendent, KIMS formally inaugurated the event and addressed the gathering. Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Mohanty, Prof. & H.O.D., Dept. of F.M.T., AIIMS, Bhubaneswar attended the event physically and delivered a talk on “Legal Duties of Doctor in a Case of Poisoning”. Prof. (Dr) Narendra Nath Jena, Director, Institute of Emergency Medicine, MMHRC, Madurai and President, Indian Society of Toxicology; Prof. (Dr.) Sanjoy Das, Prof. & H.O.D., F.M.T, HIMS, Dehradun; Prof. (Dr.) Sudeepa Das, Prof. & H.O.D., F.M.T., MKCG MCH, Berhampur; and Prof. (Dr.) Asis Kumar Ray also presented on their respective topics as speakers.

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