Department of Community Medicine, KIMS Observes World Immunization Day


World Immunization Day is an annual observance held on 10th November to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages against vaccine preventable diseases. The Department of Community Medicine took a step forward in this regard by celebrating this day with parents and children visiting the Immunization OPD of KIMS.

With the enthusiasm of creating awareness among people regarding the significance of getting vaccinated, the interns, Dr. Aakash Satapathy and Dr. Agneya Roy, explained the importance of immunization to the parents. They were guided by Dr. Ipsa Mohapatra (Supervisor, Immunization) and Dr. Snigdha Singh (In-charge, Immunization) followed by distribution of leaflets on vaccines among the OPD visitors.

Further, to mark the occasion, a slogan competition was conducted among the medical undergraduate and postgraduate students of the institute with support from Dr. Varsha Srivastava and Dr. B.Lakshmi Priyanka. The theme of the competition was “Immunization – A proven tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening infectious diseases”, where the participants made posters with slogans and handmade pictures / cartoons. The competition was judged by the Vice Principal, Prof. (Dr.) Shubhransu Patro and Dr. Lalita Pattnaik, Officer In-charge of PG Council.

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