Basic Life Support Training to KIMS Staff


Basic Life Support is a Life Saving Procedure. Hence KIMS Nursing Education Team along-with Dr. Ashok Badamali aim to train all the staff of KIMS on life-saving techniques. The staff were trained to promptly recognize several life threatening emergencies, give high quality chest compression, deliver appropriate ventilation and provide early use of an AED. Basic Life Support, or BLS, generally refers to the type of care that first-respondents, healthcare providers and public safety professionals provide to anyone who is experiencing cardiac arrest, respiratory distress or an obstructed airway.

The Nursing Education Team is also engaged in imparting training to the Nursing Staff on Blood Transfusion, Nursing Care Plan Documentation and Patient Identification apart from the Basic Life Support. On the other hand, Infection Control Nursing Team is providing training on Safe Handling of Sharps, Performing Surface Swab Surveillance in ICU, Surface Swab Technique, Donning & Doffing of PPE during NABL Inspection, and ICNs visiting RO Plant.

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