Annual Conference of Department of Critical Care Medicine, KIMS


The Department of Critical Care Medicine of KIMS organized its Annual Conference (3rd critical care update) on 9th & 10th July, 2022 in association with ISCCM, Bhubaneswar. The CME was inaugurated by Prof. (Dr.) C.B.K. Mohanty, Pro-Vice Chancellor, School of Medicine; Dr. Ambika Prasad Mohanty, Principal, KIMS and Dr. Sujit Kumar Pradhan, HOD, Department of CCM and Organizing Chairman on 9th July

Dr. Yaspal Singh, Professor, Trauma & Emergency, BHU Varanasi and Dr. Kapil Dev Soni, Additional Professor, Trauma Intensive Care, JPNATC, AIIMS New Delhi were the chief speakers at the update which focused on advanced trauma care establishment. Dr. Sujit Kumar Pradhan, HOD, Department of CCM and Dr. Devi Prasad Dash, Assistant Professor of CCM were Organizing Chairman and Organizing Secretary of the CME respectively.  

The CME included Airway Management in trauma care, current approach and management shock, recent ATLS update, diagnosis and management of life threatening injury in trauma, traumatic brain injury (The Silent Epidemic) with approach and management.

As many as 140 delegates attended and assisted in this CME. The next event was carried out on 10th July as workshop at Kaabeel Simulation Center by all the expertise of Dept. of CCM, KIMS which covered topics such as basic airway, advanced airway, ICD insertion, E-fast, helmet removal, cervical collar, leg roll pelvic binder, discussion by field created maula/ simulation.

The team of instructors included Dr. Prashant Ranjan Behera, Dr. Sasank Sekhar Mallick, Dr. Sansaya Mohapatra, Dr. Avinash Bar Panda, Dr. Debi Prassana Behera and Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Gupta.

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