Accolades for Faculty & PG Students of Department of Biochemistry, KIMS


Faculty members of KIMS participated actively at the 11th AMBICON Odisha Chapter for Medical Biochemists conducted at MKCG MC&H, Berhampur on 6th March, 2022. KIMS PGT, Dr. Rik Swarnakar bagged the second prize in Group Quiz Competition by teaming with post-graduate students of two other Medical Colleges. Dr. Debadyuti Sahu, Asst. Professor, KIMS presented his original research work under faculty presentation category and bagged the Best Faculty Paper Presentation award in the junior category. Prof. Tapaswini Pradhan and Prof. Viyatprajna Acharya adjudged post-graduate paper presentation, while Prof. Rajalaxmi Sarangi judged the poster session and was felicitated for the same. Prof. Viyatprajna Acharya was chosen as the institutional representative for Association of Medical Biochemists (AMBI), Odisha from KIMS. 

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